Computer with Small Business Big impact on screen. Digital Marketing for your kitchen and bath business.3 things you can do today to drive leads to your kitchen and bath showroom

We know the importance of having a beautiful website. But few companies websites actually drive leads to their showroom. There are three things you can start today to ramp up your online marketing and start generating leads from your online presence.  Let’s start with the three types of online content, Owned, Earned, and Paid content.

First, we will talk about owned content.

Owned content is anything your company controls online. Examples include your website, your Facebook page, your Instagram page, and any other social media accounts you may have. It is important to have new and fresh content on your site. It is the first powerful tool to drive leads to your showroom. I like to use the example of a restaurant with no cars in the parking lot. If nobody is in the restaurant, you might take the hint and go elsewhere. Your website is like this. If your content is not new and fresh site visitors will just bounce off your site to the next site. 

So, what can we do to keep our website fresh and keep customers coming back? One of the easiest ways is to add a blog to your site. To learn more about blogging, follow this link. You can share any current project you are working on. You can add use and care instructions for your visitors’ new cabinetry. Or you can explain the warranty included with their cabinetry purchase. You will be surprised at the content ideas you can share on your blog. That content can also be shared on your social media pages or even in email blasts out to your current and past customers.

The next thing related to owned content would be any online directories you are listed in. You should make sure you claim the listing and double-check the information that is there. Make sure your website link is working, and check your contact info like phone and email address along with business hours. Examples of online directories would be Google Maps Houzz, or Yelp. This also includes your social media profiles on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest, and Alignable.

The next area of content would be earned media.

Earned media would be any media like reviews that other people create. It would also include any mentions on social media or other websites. Earned media is a great way to drive leads to your showroom.

For reviews, it is important to log in and respond to them. According to, “95% of customers read online reviews before buying a product. Positive reviews can increase customer spending by 31%”  Reviews are very important for the reputation of your brand. For positive reviews, thank the author. If they are negative reviews, offer to have the author contact you directly to resolve the issue. Readers of the review will notice that you worked to take care of the problem. 

There are also some social listening tools like Google Alerts which help you find where your brand may be mentioned online

Paid Media

The final type of content that can be extremely helpful is paid content. Paid media can drive leads to your showroom. This could be SEM ( search engine marketing ) or Ads placed on social media channels. Paid advertising can be expensive but it is much more effective when you work on your owned media and earned media first.

In summary, there are three things you can do today to start using your digital media to drive leads to your showroom.

The first thing you can do is to strengthen your owned media, your website, blog, and any social media channels. The second would be to strengthen your earned media by responding to reviews and thanking others who mention your brand online and the third and perhaps the most expensive content would be paid advertising on search engines as well as on social media. By utilizing all three, you will certainly drive leads to your kitchen and bath showroom.